martes, 2 de agosto de 2011
Nostalgia infinita
-Pero... ¿Sabes por qué no encontramos a la persona perfecta? Porque no somos estúpidos. Vivimos bajo la opresión de un criterio irrevocable e impersonal que no da tregua a nuestros instintos más físicos. A veces desearía ser un idiota, y conformarme, doblegarme y someterme al primer cuerpo que me dé calor, y de ese modo, sería capaz incluso de exigir, de acrecentarme y volverme un insolente arrogante con el único objetivo de satisfacer la necesidad más primaria. Por desgracia, en un instante vuelvo a mi presente y me percato de cuánto he sufrido sintiéndome solo, vacío, desamparado; cuánto sufro, cuánto me queda aún. No es posible garantizarle al espíritu la estabilidad de una vida amorosa, ni del sexo más placentero, o el frustrado, o el sórdido y fugaz, o el acostumbrado a horarios intempestivos.
-Creo que tienes toda la razón. ¿Sabes? A veces me sumerjo en estados de profunda tristeza y melancolía, y lo más dramático de todo es que no sé cuándo voy a salir de dicho estado. He de admitirlo: realmente sólo soy feliz cuando tengo a alguien a quien amar-, dijo él girando levemente el volante del coche justo cuando se disponía a entrar en la autopista.
-Cuando tienes alguien a quien amar, cuando te sientes amado, cuando todo pierde su razón de ser lógica, te abandonas a un mundo paralelo, pierdes la cabeza... Es... Es sorprendente lo que un vínculo emocional con otra persona puede provocar en nuestro sistema, empiezas a asimilar cosas que antes no eras capaz de ver, la predisposición te invade de repente y, cuando menos te lo esperas, sientes que la otra persona es el ser más maravilloso del mundo. Sólo basta una mirada, un segundo, y lo sabes, y te mueres de ganas por decírselo al mundo. Lamentablemente, los "te quieros" acaban teniendo espinas, espinas que ya no soy capaz de digerir-, respondí agachando la mirada, dejándose invadir por sus propias palabras.
Llegué a mi destino con la escasa esperanza de que sucediera algo que cambiara el curso de los acontecimientos. De repente, giró la llave y el coche se detuvo justo en el sitio donde debía hacerlo. Ni siquiera pude darme cuenta hasta unos segundos más tarde. Comencé a reírme, una risa floja e idiota bañada de nerviosismo y puro terror. "¿Por qué te ríes?", preguntó, como si deseara robarme un pensamiento y violar mi estrecha lógica irracional justo en aquel instante.
La conversación se volvió trascendente e irremediablemente sincera. Una lágrima comenzó a caer por su mejilla y fue entonces cuando supe que no era tan sólo una bonita fachada, había mucho más, algo más profundo y sofisticado de lo que hubiera podido imaginar. Le pedí un abrazo, ambos lo necesitábamos. Creí que justo después nuestras miradas se cruzarían en el espacio y mataríamos la tensión sexual que existía entre ambos con un dulce beso. No sucedió así.
Continuamos charlando, y el abrazo volvió a ser rescatado minutos más tarde con la intención de que nuestros cuerpos se conocieran mejor, se adivinaran el uno al otro y se regocijaran en la tristeza que les dominaba. El beso vino después. Ni siquiera lo consideré un beso, sino más bien un precipitado intento por hablar sin usar las palabras. Nuestros labios se rozaron sutilmente, muy despacio.
"En un beso sabrás todo lo que he callado", me dijo justo después. Quise recordar ese momento para siempre, sin excepción. Quise involucrarme de forma absurda y precipitada, quise ser otra persona, quise vivirlo intensamente. Si hubiera sabido entonces que dicho momento sería único, probablemente aún seguiría pegado al asiento delantero del coche olvidándome de mi miserable existencia y adentrándome en la amargura de lo efímero.
... Casi un año después sigo recordando aquella noche y humedeciendo mi raciocinio con nostalgia infinita.
Isn't it great?
I leaned back and sighed, my eyes were full of shy tears which were not still ready to be shed. I could not stop staring at him, admiring every pore of his beautiful skin. He did not even noticed, he just spent a second trying to feel more comfortable on that couch that had seen us wearing the passion down, tiring our bodies out, consuming our breaths with kisses i did not want to finish.
He was just kidding, trying to draw one more smile on my face. I was just doing my best to immortalize that beautiful moment, not a kind of special, but a kind of meaningful. I was not able to do it though. I could not. He was switching his voice off when he decided to turn sweet and nostalgic (he always show a tiny and charming voice), and, in a moment, looked even more beautiful, so much so that i could not help falling in love with him.
And there is something in the way, i mean, in the way he stares at you that you cannot focus on anything else, it is almost impossible. But at the same time, that sort of intriguing, scheming and mysterious look makes you wonder what he is thinking about, and just a couple of minutes later, he tells you: "you look handsome today, and i just want to be by your side, right here, right now. I would want you to fuss over me". Isn't it awesome? The fact that someone can feel something like that just seeing you, breathing the rest of the essence he can grab inside from the last time you saw each other. Isn't it great?
It is... It is fantastic. It is still chilling my bones.
Not a beautiful day
Someone once told me that sometimes it is impossible to face obstacles and handicaps and you just have to accept it, deal with it as good as possible and move on. Today, i feel blue, as if the rest of the world was shining, tearing me apart. Today is one of those days in which you got a feeling of loneliness and just need someone out there to hold you without asking anything at all. Today is a moment in which there is no sense of future but past, shaking all the memories, blowing your mind. When it comes to this, i do not know exactly what to do, nor how to react; the only thing i know is that i just got to go through it and be braver than the previous time. It is curious the fact of mentioning time: i have been fighting against it so many years. If there is an antagonist who is worth to fight against is it... Time. It keeps on moving, leaving behind all the moments, all the faces, all the nights and shots. Nobody can catch it and make it go slow, have you ever tried? I have not. Today is one of that days in which i am scared because of time. I am terrified. Somehow i just find the patience and reckless courage inside to not waste my time, but sometimes it is unfit, just another useless attempt to see stuff more clearly. What if someone just wakes up such an ordinary morning and realizes that his life has been totally wasted? What if the only thing you need is to take a look around you? Some time ago, i just started to feel so much better, started to hear my sound and stand on my own two feet, on a solid ground, and i would even lie if i said that i did not pretend to be like that. But, suddenly, i could bump into some stuff that made me feel alive again, made me have a reason to get up every morning and keep on growing up, made me feel happier and appreciated. But not today. Today is a day in which happiness is over and this sparkling sun is defining my sense of freezing. Today is that day in which i do not care about other people complaints, i just do not want to see them yelling and arguing about stupid or important things, that does not seem relevant to me, not today. Today i just want to cry, to flood my pillow with tears i cannot shed anymore and let this sadness melt away among my hours. Today i just look forward not to be myself, to play an overrated role in this fake society of forced smiles. Today i just need to let some seconds slip in order to lose myself in a jungle of grotesque thoughts. Today is one of the days in which you cannot breathe in, nor breathe out, and the spit becomes stoning in your mouth. Today i have nothing at all in my pocket, nothing at all in my brain. Today there is much fun outside to take, and many plans to do, things to say and jokes to make. Today is not a beautiful day, but today is just a day... Tomorrow is coming.
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